Click the Console server
name to edit it
Figure 47 Console Servers page
The columns display the following information:
· Name – Name of Console Server. You can search for a Console Server by
typing the name in the Search Console Server field. You can sort the names
out in alphabetical order A-Z or Z-A by clicking the top of the Name
· IP address – The IP address of the Console Server
· Type – Type of Console Server
· URL / Description - The URL of the Console Server’s web management
interface and optional description of the Console Server
2. From the toolbar, click . The New Console Server
page appears, see Figure 48.
Figure 48 Console Server – General tab
Name - Type a unique name for the Console Server.
Description - Type an optional description of the Console Server.
IP – Type the IP address of the Console Server.
URL – Type the URL of the Console Server’s web management interface
(generally it’s the same as the IP address).
First TCP Port – Type the first TCP Port of the Console Server.