Click the Console server
name to edit it
Figure 47 Console Servers page
The columns display the following information:
· NameName of Console Server. You can search for a Console Server by
typing the name in the Search Console Server field. You can sort the names
out in alphabetical order A-Z or Z-A by clicking the top of the Name
· IP address The IP address of the Console Server
· Type Type of Console Server
· URL / Description - The URL of the Console Server’s web management
interface and optional description of the Console Server
2. From the toolbar, click . The New Console Server
page appears, see Figure 48.
Figure 48 Console Server General tab
Name - Type a unique name for the Console Server.
Description - Type an optional description of the Console Server.
IP Type the IP address of the Console Server.
URLType the URL of the Console Servers web management interface
(generally it’s the same as the IP address).
First TCP Port Type the first TCP Port of the Console Server.