12. Account Policy In Account Policy you can choose either local or external authentication. In local
authentication you define password and login complexity levels. External
authentication interfaces with the organizational Active Directory server for user
list importation and user authentication.
In local authentication mode the administrator creates Users and Groups and
assigns permissions via the AccessIT interface. In LDAP authentication mode, user
authentication is done through an LDAP server. You import Users and Groups
from the LDAP server and assign their permissions in the AccessIT interface.
To set these options:
From the Application menu select Account Policy. The Account policy page
appears, see Figure 76.
Figure 76 Account policy
12.1 Password policy
When AccessIT operates in local authentication mode, choose the desired password
policy. The different password policy options are explained below.
Note! The following “special” characters: &, <, >, ”, cannot be used for either the
user name or password in any of the password levels. (See page 22).
Strict Policy password:
· 8 characters or more
· Must include at least