5. Displaying the AccessIT web interface
To display the Web interface:
1. Open your Web browser (Internet Explorer version 6.0 or Firefox 3 or higher)
2. Type in the IP address of the AccessIT Manager (default IP address and press Enter.
Note! The IP address must begin with https:// and not http://. The Login page
appears. Bookmark it for easy reference.
3. Type the login name and password. Default username is admin and password is
4. Press Enter. The Web interface appears, see Figure 11.
Menu section
IP device type
New devices identified
with their MAC address
Once devices are
identified by a
name they appear
here in the Devices
Click the arrows to show
or hide New Devices/
Devices section
Click a name to edit the
devices properties
To search for a device
type name here
To sort the devices in
alphabetical order A-Z or
Z-A, click the top of the
name column
Figure 11 Devices page
Note! On first connection the AccessIT GUI prompts you to install the AccessIT
client software, see Figure 12. Click Install.
Note! In Firefox, the client plugin is installed when you navigate to the Access