7.2 PDUs tab
Where a Target is connected to a PDU, you must associate the PDU with the
To do so:
1. Press the PDUs tab. The following appears.
PDU selected appears
here All PDUs in the system
appear here
Figure 27 PDUs tab
2. Names of all configured PDUs appear in the All PDUs list. To configure a PDU
see section 9 on page 48. From the All PDUs list, select the checkbox of the
PDU the Target is connected to. The PDU appears in the Connected PDUs list
with its details below this. Description and URL are input by an Administrator -
explained in Section 9.
3. Click to assign the outlet number to which this Target is
physically connected. The Assign Device window appears, see Figure 28.
List showing port
numbers of PDU with
assigned Targets.
A blank space means
there is no currently
assigned Target
A tick means there is an
assigned Target to this
Target name as
configured by
Figure 28 Assign Device window