8.5.1 Serial tab
In the Serial tab you define the console parameters for controlling RS232 Serial
devices for KVM/IP units.
Click the Serial tab. The following appears.
Figure 41 Serial tab
You can access a Serial device during a remote session by emulating its Serial
connection via RS232 (VT100 & TTY).
Device Name - Type the name of the device (i.e. PowerManagement; Ciscorouter;
- no spaces allowed in the device name).
Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop bits - type the appropriate values according to
the RS232 device line settings, attached to the KVM/IP device.
Active – Select Active to display the device on the Client toolbar.
8.6 Saving the IP device configuration changes
Press Save to save the settings and configure the IP device. The IP device is
upgraded to the device firmware stored in the AccessIT system. It receives the SDF
(Switch Definition File) from the AccessIT system and also a list of Targets, Users
and their permissions (CFG). The IP device may be unavailable during the upgrade
and while receiving the CFG and SDF updates.
8.7 Deleting IP devices
IP devices can be deleted from the AccessIT system from the Devices page.
To delete IP devices:
1. From the Management menu, click Devices the Devices page appears.
2. Select the checkboxes of the units to be deleted, or select the top checkbox to
select or deselect all checkboxes.
3. Click . The devices are deleted.