8. Configuring KVM/IP Devices
The web interface opens at the Devices page, see Figure 35. The New Devices
section automatically displays all IP devices detected by the AccessIT system. (For
IP devices to appear they must be configured to be Centralized Management
enabled – see section 8.1 below). Each device appears identified by its MAC
address. The MAC address of each IP device is written on a sticker on the unit’s
underside. Once the device is configured by giving it a name, it then only appears
in the Devices section. The New Devices section itself only appears when there are
new devices detected.
Menu section
IP device type
New devices identified
with their MAC address
Once devices are
identified by a
name they appear
here in the Devices
Click the arrows to show
or hide New Devices/
Devices section
Click a name to edit the
devices properties
To search for a device
type name here
To sort the devices in
alphabetical order A-Z or
Z-A, click the top of the
name column
Figure 35 Devices page
The columns on the Devices page display the following information:
NameOnce IP devices are given an identifying name they appear here.
TypeConnected IP device type.
Connected User User currently operating the remote session.
Under the Status column, there are the following possibilities:
Online – The device is up and running and is ready to be configured or is
available for a remote session.
AlarmDevice is down and is unavailable for a remote session.