18. Accessing Targets as a User Once the Administrator has set up and configured the AccessIT system, Users can
access the system and connect to permitted Targets.
For a User to access the system:
Type the AccessIT Manager IP address (https://IP address) into a Web browser
and press Enter. The Login page appears.
Type the Username and Password and press Enter. The Access page appears see
Figure 114. The window displays only Targets and Target Sets that the User has
permission to access.
Note! AccessIT system supports multi-user login. There is no limit to the amount
of concurrent users.
Target sets appear
as sub-folders
Target with default
access service Click an icon here to
access the Target with a
non-default access
Power icons
in power
Figure 114 User Access page
18.1 Power column
When there are power management devices (PDUs) connected to the targets /
KVM switches, a Power icon appears in this column, from which you can power
manage the Target. The operation is the same as that for an administrator, see
section 17.1.1 on page 108.
18.2 Status column
The Status column gives the User the current status of the Target as follows:
Available – The user can click the Target name or Access Service icon and
establish the remote session to that Target.