Select from the All
Users and All Groups
lists those which will
have permission to
access this Target
Users and Groups that
have permission to
access this Target
appear here
Figure 30 Access Permissions tab
All existing Users appear in the All Users list. All Groups appear in the All
Groups list.
To choose which Users / Groups have access to the Target:
1. Select the checkboxes of the Users or Groups. They appear in the Users and
Groups: list.
To disassociate a User/Group from a Target:
Unselect the User/Group checkbox from the relevant list.
7.5 Saving the Target Click . The Target details are now in the system.
Repeat this process to input all connected servers. When finished, click
. All Targets appear on the Targets page, see Figure 22.
(To edit a Target name or description click a Target on the Targets page).
7.6 Deleting Targets You can remove Targets from the system as follows:
From the Targets page select the checkboxes of the Targets to be deleted.
Press . Press to select or deselect all checkboxes with
one click.