By clicking a user name, an Administrator can access the General, User Group
and Access Permissions tabs of this user and change any of the parameters.
6.4.1 Deleting a user
Deleting a user, instantly removes the user’s authorization from the AccessIT
system and all IP devices.
To delete a user:
1. On the Users page select the checkboxes of the users to be deleted.
2. Press . The user is removed. Press to select or
deselect all checkboxes with one click.
6.5 Creating a User Group
Once you have created users you can form them into Groups. You then give the
same access permissions to the entire group without having to go through the
process for each individual user.
To create a User group:
1. From the menu, click Users or User Groups. On either of these pages, click
. The New User Group page appears, see Figure 18.
Users that are members
of this Group appear
All users in the system
appear here
Figure 18 New User Group - Members tab