4.2 AccessIT Manager’s default IP address Each AccessIT Manager unit comes with the following default values:
IP address -
Subnet mask -
Gateway -
If these values are not suitable for your network, follow the steps in the section
below to display the AccessIT interface. You can then change the IP address of the
AccessIT Manager in the Network tab under Settings/Unit Maintenance, see
section 16.2 on page 106.
4.2.1 Changing the AccessIT Manager network parameters
1. Open your Web browser (Internet Explorer version 6.0 - Firefox 3 or higher
2. Type in the IP address of the AccessIT Manager (default IP address and press Enter. (Change your computer network
settings, if necessary). The Login page appears.
3. Type the login name admin and password access.
4. Navigate to the Network tab under Settings/Unit Maintenance and change the
network parameters to suit your network configuration.
5. Press Save and restart the AccessIT Manager.
6. Wait for the system to restart and login with the new IP address.