Battery Gauge — Displays a four-level graphic indicator of the remaining power in the rechargeable battery.

Full — Approximately at full charge.

2/3 — Approximately at two-thirds capacity.

1/3 — Approximately at one-third capacity.

Low Cell — Almost drained of charge.

Status Line — On the menu wheel, displays the in-range/out- of-range transmission status (Basic Service, Full Service, or Storing Messages); for more information, see “To set the transmission mode” on page 20.

On application screens, explains the function of the highlighted button or special status icon.

Special Status Icons — Displays graphic indicators for the following conditions:

New Message Waiting — Unread messages are in one or more inboxes.

Send/Receive — Full Service coverage. Two-way messaging; turns on the transmitter and receiver.

Receive Only — Basic Service coverage. One-way messaging; turns on only the receiver. Accompanied by a symbol of a heart with a cross in it, sometimes referred to as Hospital mode. The unit will never transmit while in this safe mode for environments with sensitive equipment (such as CAT Scan and MRI equipment found in hospitals).

Off — Storing Messages coverage. You have manually turned off the transmitter and receiver. Accompanied by an airplane to show this is the safe mode for electronic devices used in airplanes. See “Configuring Your PageWriter 2000X” on page 19 for information on turning the transmitter and receiver back on.

Out of Range — Your pager is too far from a transmitter to receive messages.

Memory Low — Available memory is running low; older messages will be automatically deleted to free memory for new messages. For more information, see “Memory Management System” on page 71.

Alt — Alt mode is turned on; the next key pressed will indicate an Alt-mode function. For more information, see “Alt Functions” on page 10.

How Your PageWriter 2000X Works 7

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Motorola quick start How Your PageWriter 2000X Works