5If you want to record a voice name for that shortcut: Press R to highlight the Voice field.
Press C under RECORD.
As directed by the screen prompts, say and repeat the name you want to assign to the shortcut. Speak clearly into the microphone.
An ) icon appears in the Voice field indicating that the voice name has been recorded.
TIP: | For best results, record in a quiet environment. |
6Press C under DONE.
Using a Shortcut
To use a shortcut to access a menu:
1From the idle screen, press q.
2Press the number assigned to the shortcut. You have 2 seconds to do this after pressing q.
1From the idle screen, press q.
2Press R to scroll to Shortcuts.
3Press C under SELECT.
4Press S to scroll to the shortcut you want to use.
5Press C under GOTO.