Call Forwarding
For you to receive Voicemail messages, Call Forwarding must be set to Detailed with your Voicemail access number:
1Press q then press R to scroll to Call Forward.
2Press C under SELECT.
The Call Forward screen displays with the Forward field set to Detailed.
3Press R to scroll to the If Busy field and press C under CHANGE.
4The call forwarding number you last used is displayed. Press C under CHANGE. If this is your Voicemail access number (the first six digits of your
5Press and hold C under DELETE to erase the displayed number.
6Enter your Voicemail access number.
Your Voicemail access number is the first six digits of your
7Press C under OK.
8Repeat step 3 through step 7 for the If No Answer field and the If Unreachable field.
9When finished, press C under EXIT.
NOTE: You can use the Detailed setting to forward calls to other numbers if desired. However, it is recommended that you leave Detailed set to the Voicemail access number and use the All Calls setting if you wish to forward your calls to another number.
Additional Phone Features
In addition to the standard features that are included for all Nextel Digital Cellular subscribers, there are also several features available for an additional monthly or