Using Voicemail
The Message Center screen displays numbers of new and total Voicemail messages.
From the Message Center screen, log into Voicemail:
1Press S to scroll to Voicemail. The numbers of new and total Voicemail messages display.
2Press C under CALL to log into Nextel Voicemail. Calling displays as you are connected to the network.
NOTE: If your hear a message that says, “Enter the phone number of the subscriber you are trying to reach,” enter your own
3When prompted, enter your password.
NOTE: You must receive a message before you can access Voicemail for the first time from your i90c phone. (Tip: You can leave yourself a message.)
Using Voicemail
The following sections explain how to use Voicemail after you have logged in. For information on receiving notification of Voicemail messages, transferring calls to Voicemail, and accessing messages, see “Messaging Services” on page 101.