USER TIP:You can turn down the ringer volume by pressing the volume buttons on the side of your phone while the phone is ringing.
Sending Unanswered Calls to Voicemail
Cover Open
Press r or press C under NO while your phone is ringing to transfer incoming calls directly to Voicemail.
Cover Closed
Press . while your phone is ringing to transfer incoming calls directly to Voicemail.
Missed Calls
If you miss a call when your phone cover is closed, the
If you open the cover, the Recent Calls list appears on the
If you do not open the cover, pressing . dismisses the missed call message. Pressing . again displays the most recent call, allowing, you to call the number (see “Making Calls from the Recent Calls List” on page 58).
Ending a Phone Call
NOTE: When the cover is open, the Recent Calls list displays briefly on the
Cover Open
Press r or close the phone cover.