try going back to the Local Trunk Loopback, and then even the data port loopback which is the most basic test. If there is still no clear cause of the problem, follow the steps in section 7.3, contacting Tech support.
6.5.2 Memory Test
The memory test verifies that each memory chip on the circuit board is working. The memory test destroys all stored parameters.
6.5.3 Watch Dog Test
The watch dog is a special circuit designed to reset the unit in case of a catastrophic error in the firmware. The watch dog test verifies that the watch dog circuitry is working.
6.5.4 Product and Firmware ID
This option displays the product identification and firmware version number.
6.5.5Flash Firmware Upgrade
The flash firmware upgrade option is used to upgrade the firmware code in the PROM. Refer to Chapter 7, section on upgrading the flash PROM for detailed procedures.