The Be is supplied by your network service provider at the time the trunk was provisioned.
When you have entered your Be, the Trunk Configuration menu is displayed.
10From the Trunk Configuration menu, enter option 7 Management Type and the Management Type menu is displayed.
Management Type
1 - Annex D (ANSI T1.617)
2 - LMI
3 - Annex A
P - Previous Menu
Selection : _
Enter the number that corresponds to the Management Type for your trunk. The Management Type is supplied by your network service provider at the time the trunk was provisioned.
Options 8 thru 11 modify the management protocol between the MultiFRAD and the network switch. For most applications, the default values should be adequate. If you do not need to change any of them, proceed to step 15.
11From the Trunk Configuration menu, enter option 8 Polling Interval and the Polling Interval menu is displayed.
Enter the Polling Interval, in units of seconds.
Valid values are between 5 and 30 seconds.
x- Enter Number, or P - Previous Menu
Selection : _
Enter the number of seconds for a polling cycle (i.e., the time period between each status enquiry message sent from the MultiFRAD).
12From the Trunk Configuration menu, enter option 9 Full Status Counter and the Full Status Counter menu is displayed.