Table 3-1 lists other possible combinations for SCXI channel strings.
String Syntax Description
ob0!sc1!md2!5 Channel 5 on module 2 of SCXI
chassis 1 is read through onboard
channel 0.
ob0!sc1!md4!5:12 Channels 0-7 on module 2 and
channels 5-12 on module 4 of chassis
1 are read through onboard channel 0.
ob1!sc2!md1!20:24 Channels 3 and 4 of module 3 of
chassis 1 are read through onboard
channel 0, and channels 20-24 of
module 1 on chassis 2 are read
through onboard channel 1.
In the parallel mode, each analog input SCXI module is connected
directly to a DAQ device and you must specify the channels of your
DAQ device in the channel list, not the SCXI channel string.
Note: The SCXI-1200 does not support the parallel mode with other SCXI