-10602 noWriteErr No output data has been written into the
transfer buffer.
-10603 groupWriteErr The output data associated with a group
must be for a single channel or must be
for consecutive channels.
-10604 activeWriteErr Once data generation has started, only
the transfer buffers originally written to
can be updated. If DMA is active and a
single transfer buffer contains
interleaved channel-data, you must
provide new data for all output channels
currently using the DMA channel.
-10605 endWriteErr No data was written to the transfer buffer
because the final data block has already
been loaded.
-10606 notArmedErr The specified resource is not armed.
-10607 armedErr The specified resource is already armed.
-10608 noTransferInProgErr No transfer is in progress for the
specified resource.
-10609 transferInProgErr A transfer is already in progress for the
specified resource.
-10610 transferPauseErr A single output channel in a group
cannot be paused if the output data for
the group is interleaved.
-10611 badDirOnSomeLinesErr Some of the lines in the specified
channel are not configured for the
transfer direction specified. For a write
transfer, some lines are configured for
input. For a read transfer, some lines are
configured for output.
-10612 badLineDirErr The specified line does not support the
specified transfer direction.
-10613 badChanDirErr The specified channel does not support
the specified transfer direction.
-10614 badGroupDirErr The specified group does not support the
specified transfer direction.
-10615 masterClkErr The clock configuration for the clock
master is invalid.