-10880 updateRateChangeErr A change to the update rate is not
possible at this time because 1) when
waveform generation is in progress,
you cannot change the interval
timebase or 2) when you make several
changes in a row, you must give each
change enough time to take effect
before requesting further changes.
-10881 partialTransferCompleteError You cannot perform another transfer
after a successful partial transfer.
-10882 daqPollDataLossError The data collected on the Remote
SCXI unit was overwritten before it
could be transferred to the buffer in the
host. Try using a slower data
acquisition rate if possible.
-10883 wfmPollDataLossError New data could not be transferred to
the waveform buffer of the Remote
SCXI unit to keep up with the
waveform update rate. Try using a
slower waveform update rate if
-10884 pretrigReorderError Could not rearrange data after a
pretrigger acquisition completed.
-10920 gpctrDataLossErr One or more data points may have
been lost during buffered GPCTR
operations due to speed limitations of
your system.
-10940 chassisResponseTimeoutError No response was received from the
Remote SCXI unit within the specified
time limit.
-10941 reprogrammingFailedError Reprogramming the Remote SCXI unit
was unsuccessful. Please try again.
-10942 invalidResetSignatureError An invalid reset signature was sent
from the host to the Remote SCXI
-2001 ERR_TASK_NOT_FOUND Unable to find task.
-2002 ERR_WORKSHEET_DOES_NOT_EXIST The worksheet that is specified in the
task's configuration does not exist.
-2003 ERR_RANGE_IS_NOT_VALID The range that is specified in the task's
configuration is not valid.