SCXI Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation. The
National Instruments product line for conditional low-level
signals within an external chassis near sensors, so only
high-level signals in a noisy environment are sent to data
acquisition boards.
sec Seconds
single-ended inputs Analog inputs that you measure with respect to a common
software trigger A programmed event that triggers an event such as data
Synchronous A method of data communications in which a prearranged
number of bits are transferred per second. Synchronization
occurs before and after the transmission of blocks of data, rather
than before and after every character. There are no start bits or
stop bits, as there are in asynchronous communications. All
transmitted bits represent information or are parity bits. See
Ttrigger A condition for starting or stopping clocks.
Uunipolar A signal range that is always positive—for example, 0 to 10 V.
update The output equivalent of a scan. One update is one write to each
channel or port in the group. Updates apply to both analog
output and digital output groups.
update rate The number of output updates per second.
update width The number of channels in the channel list or number of ports in
the port list you use to configure an analog or digital output