Advanced Timing Settings
Most of the time, you do not have to configure the advanced timing
settings because Measure automatically selects reasonable values for
you. In some cases, however, you might want to select an interchannel
delay or even use an external channel clock. You can configure these
settings through the Advanced Timing Settings dialog box, shown in
Figure 4-6.
Table 4-5 contains a list of the Advanced timing settings with
descriptions of their use.
Choice for Advanced Timing Description
Let NI-DAQ choose an interchannel
delay NI-DAQ calculates an interchannel delay for you, based
on your hardware, the limit settings for the task, and the
scan rate for the task.
Specify interchannel delay (µS) Measure uses the interchannel delay you specify in
Use external channel clock Measure configures your DAQ device to use an external
channel clock.