This appendix describes the errors that can occur while using the
Measure DAQ Add-In.
Code Error Description
-10001 syntaxErr An error was detected in the input string;
the arrangement or ordering of the
characters in the string was not
consistent with the expected ordering.
-10002 semanticsErr An error was detected in the input string;
the syntax of the string was correct, but
certain values specified in the string were
inconsistent with other values specified
in the string.
-10003 invalidValueErr The value of a numeric parameter is
-10004 valueConflictErr The value of a numeric parameter is
inconsistent with another one, and
therefore the combination is invalid.
-10005 DSPbadDeviceErr The device is invalid.
-10006 badLineErr The line is invalid.
-10007 badChanErr Possible reasons for this error are as
• A channel is out-of-range for the
device type or input configuration.
• The combination of channels is not
• The scan order must be reversed
(0 last).
-10008 badGroupErr The group is invalid.
-10009 badCounterErr The counter is invalid.