-10413 groupAssignErr A group is already assigned, or the
specified line or channel is already
assigned to a group.
-10414 reservedPinErr The selected signal requires a pin that is
reserved and configured only by
NI-DAQ. You cannot configure this pin
-10416 DSPDataPathBusyError Either DAQ or WFM can use a PC
memory buffer, but not both at the same
-10417 SCXIModuleNotSupportedErr
or At least one of the SCXI modules
specified is not supported for the
-10344 chassisSynchedError The Remote SCXI unit is not
synchronized with the host. Reset the
chassis again to resynchronize it with the
-10345 chassisMemAllocError The required amount of memory cannot
be allocated on the Remote SCXI unit for
the specified operation.
-10346 badPacketError The packet received by the Remote SCXI
unit is invalid. Check your serial port
cable connections.
-10347 chassisCommunicationError There was an error in sending a packet to
the remote chassis. Check your serial
port cable connections.
-10348 waitingForReprogError The Remote SCXI unit is in
reprogramming mode and is waiting for
reprogramming commands from the host
(NI-DAQ Configuration Utility).
-10349 SCXIModuleTypeConflictErr
or The module ID read from the SCXI
module conflicts with the configured
module type.
-10440 sysOwnedRsrcErr The specified resource is owned by the
driver and cannot be accessed or
modified by the user.