-10844 underWriteErr New data was not written to the output
transfer buffer before the driver
attempted to transfer data to the
-10845 overFlowErr Because of system limitations, the
driver could not read data from the
device fast enough to keep up with the
device throughput. The onboard
device memory reported an overflow
-10846 overWriteErr The driver wrote new data into the
input transfer buffer before the
previously acquired data was read.
-10847 dmaChainingErr New buffer information was not
available at the time of the DMA
chaining interrupt; DMA transfers will
terminate at the end of the currently
active transfer buffer.
-10848 noDMACountAvailErr The driver could not obtain a valid
reading from the transfer-count
register in the DMA controller.
-10849 OpenFileError The configuration file or DSP kernel
file could not be opened.
-10850 closeFileErr Unable to close a file.
-10851 fileSeekErr Unable to seek within a file.
-10852 readFileErr Unable to read from a file.
-10853 writeFileErr Unable to write to a file.
-10854 miscFileErr An error occurred accessing a file.
-10855 osUnsupportedError NI-DAQ does not support the current
operation on this particular version of
the operating system.
-10856 osError An unexpected error occurred from the
operating system while performing the
given operation.