-10451 virtualMemErr The driver is unable to make the transfer
buffer contiguous in virtual memory and
therefore cannot lock it into physical
memory. Thus, the buffer cannot be used
for DMA transfers.
-10452 noIntAvailErr No interrupt level is available for use.
-10453 intInUseErr The specified interrupt level is already in
use by another device.
-10454 noDMACErr No DMA controller is available in the
-10455 noDMAAvailErr No DMA channel is available for use.
-10456 DMAInUseErr The specified DMA channel is already in
use by another device.
-10457 badDMAGroupErr The DMA cannot be configured for the
specified group because it is too small, too
large, or misaligned. Consult your device
user manual to determine group
ramifications with respect to DMA.
-10458 diskFullError The storage disk you specified is full.
-10459 DSPDLLInterfaceErr The DLL could not be called because of an
interface error.
-10460 interfaceInteractionErr You have mixed Vis from the DAQ library
and the _DAQ compatibility library
(LabVIEW 2.2 Vis). You may switch
between the two libraries only by running
the DAQ VI Device Reset before calling the
_DAQ compatibility Vis, or by running the
compatibility VI Board Reset before calling
DAQ Vis.
-10480 muxMemFullError The scan list is too large to fit into the mux-
gain memory of the device.
-10481 bufferNotInterleavedError You cannot use DMA to transfer data from
two buffers. You may be able to use
-10560 invalidDSPhandleErr The DSP handle input is not valid.
-10600 noSetupErr A setup operation has not been performed
the specified resources.
-10601 multSetupErr The specified resources have already been
configured by a setup operation.