-10701 noLaterUpdateError The call had no effect because the
specified channel had not been set for
later internal update.
-10702 prePostTriggerError Pretriggering and posttriggering
cannot be used simultaneously on the
Lab and 1200 series devices.
-10710 noHandshakeModeError The specified port has not been
configured for handshaking.
-10720 noEventCtrError The specified counter is not configured
for event-counting operation.
-10740 SCXITrackHoldErr A signal has already been assigned to
the SCXI track-and-hold trigger line,
or a control call was inappropriate
because the specified module was not
configured for one-channel operation.
-10780 sc2040InputModeErr When you have an SC2040 attached to
your device, all analog input channels
must be configured for differential
input mode.
-10781 outputTypeMustBeVoltageEr
ror The polarity of the output channel
cannot be bipolar when outputting
-10782 sc2040HoldModeError The specified operation cannot be
performed with the SC-2040
configured in hold mode.
-10783 calConstPolarityConflictE
rror Calibration constants in the load area
have a different polarity from the
current configuration. Therefore, you
should load constants from factory.
-10800 timeOutErr The operation could not complete
within the time limit.
-10801 calibrationErr An error occurred during the
calibration process.
-10802 dataNotAvailErr The requested amount of data has not
yet been acquired.
-10803 transferStoppedErr The transfer has been stopped to
prevent regeneration of output data.
-10804 earlyStopErr The transfer stopped prior to reaching
the end of the transfer buffer.