-10026 badBufferSpec The requested number of buffers or the
buffer size is not allowed; e.g., Lab-PC
buffer limit is 64K samples, or the device
does not support multiple buffers.
-10027 badDAQEventErr For DAQEvents 0 and 1, general value A
must be greater than zero and less than
the internal buffer size. If DMA is used
for DAQEvent 1, general value A must
divide the internal buffer size evenly,
with no remainder. If you use TIO-10
for DAQEvent 4, general value A must
be one or two.
-10028 badFilterCutoffErr The cutoff frequency specified is not
valid for this device.
-10029 obsoleteFunctionError The function you are calling is no longer
supported in this version of the driver.
-10030 badBaudRateError The specified baud rate for
communicating with the serial port is not
valid on this platform.
-10031 badChassisIDError The specified SCXI chassis does not
correspond to a configured SCXI chassis.
-10032 badModuleSlotError The SCXI module slot that was specified
is invalid or corresponds to an empty
-10033 invalidWinHandleError The window handle passed to the
function is invalid.
-10034 noSuchMessageError No configured message matches the one
you tried to delete.
-10080 badGainErr The gain is invalid.
-10081 badPretrigCountErr The pretrigger sample count is invalid.
-10082 badPosttrigCountErr The post-trigger sample count is invalid.
-10083 badTrigModeErr The trigger mode is invalid.
-10084 badTrigCountErr The trigger count is invalid.
-10085 badTrigRangeErr The trigger range or trigger hysteresis
window is invalid.
-10086 badExtRefErr The external reference is invalid.
-10087 badTrigTypeErr The trigger type is invalid.
-10088 badTrigLevelErr The trigger level is invalid.
-10089 badTotalCountErr The total count is inconsistent with the
buffer size and pretrigger scan count or