-10688 noTrigEnabledErr The number of total scans and
pretrigger scans implies that a
triggered start is intended, but
triggering is not enabled.
-10689 digitalTrigBErr Digital trigger B is illegal for the
number of total scans and pretrigger
scans specified.
-10690 digitalTrigAandBErr This device does not allow digital
triggers A and B to be enabled at the
same time.
-10691 extConvRestrictionErr This device does not allow an external
sample clock with an external scan
clock, start trigger, or stop trigger.
-10692 chanClockDisabledErr The acquisition cannot be started
because the channel clock is disabled.
-10693 extScanClockErr You cannot use an external scan clock
when performing a single scan of a
single channel.
-10694 unsafeSamplingFreqErr The sample frequency exceeds the safe
maximum rate for the hardware, gains,
and filters used.
-10695 DMAnotAllowedErr You have set up an operation that
requires the use of interrupts. DMA is
not allowed.
-10696 multiRateModeErr Multi-rate scanning cannot be used
with the AMUX-64, SCXI, or
pretriggered acquisitions.
-10697 rateNotSupportedErr Unable to convert your
timebase/interval pair to match the
actual hardware capabilities of this
-10698 timebaseConflictErr You cannot use this combination of
scan and sample clock timebases for
this device.
-10699 polarityConflictErr You cannot use this combination of
scan and sample clock source
polarities for this operation and device.
-10700 signalConflictErr You cannot use this combination of
scan and convert clock signal sources
for this operation and device.