Lab and 1200 Series and portable
devices (table), A-4
MIO and AI devices (table), A-3
terminal block selection guide, SCXI
modules (table), A-7
DAQ menu
adding tasks, 2-7 to 2-8
no menu appears, C-1
DAQ Tasks dialog box
managing tasks in workbook, 2-9 to 2-10
options (table), 2-10
purpose and use, 2-2
data acquisition boards. See DAQ devices.
Data acquisition device option, DAQ Tasks
dialog box, 2-10
data acquisition tasks. See tasks.
Data acquisition tasks option, DAQ Tasks
dialog box, 2-10
Data cells field, Analog Output
Configuration dialog box, 2-6, 5-2
Delete option, DAQ Tasks dialog box, 2-10
Description button
Analog Input Configuration dialog box,
2-4, 4-7
Analog Output Configuration dialog box,
devices. See DAQ devices.
Differential Channels option, Analog Input
Mode dialog box, 4-9
displaying acquired data, 4-6
conventions used in manual, x-xi
organization of manual, ix-x
EEdit DAQ Menu dialog box, 2-8
Edit Menu option, DAQ Tasks dialog box,
Edit option, DAQ Tasks dialog box, 2-10
e-mail support, D-2
error codes, B-1 to B-18
Excel error message after removing DAQ
Add-In manually, C-2
external clock
advanced timing settings, 4-10
External scan clock option, 4-5
MIO-E Series devices (note), 4-5
Use external channel clock option, 4-10
External scan clock option, Analog Input
Configuration dialog box, 4-5
External Voltage Reference checkbox,
Advanced Analog Output
configuration dialog box, 5-4
FFatal error message, C-2
fax and telephone support, D-2
FaxBack support, D-2
FTP support, D-1
DAQ, 6-1 to 6-2
GetDAQErrorMessage function, 6-3
GGetDAQErrorMessage function, 6-3
HHardware Digital Trigger dialog box
Acquire until trigger, 4-8
scans after trigger, 4-8
Start acquisition on trigger, 4-8
Timeout (seconds), 4-8
High Limit field
Advanced Analog Output configuration
dialog box, 5-4
Analog Input Configuration dialog box,
IIn Columns option, Analog Input
Configuration dialog box, 4-6