NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24311, Issue 1 Page 87
Modem Pooling - PRI M-74
M-74 Modem Pooling - PRIGeneral Description
The MODEM POOLING - PRI feature allows any asynchronous or synchronous data station (DTE) connected to a
Dterm Data Adapter or Data Module to have access to off-prem ise device s (othe r terminal s, mainf rames, per sonal
computers, etc.) using Modem Pools. Also, off-premise devices can gain access to the Data Modules or Data
Adapters through incoming Modem Pools. Modem Pools provide the capability to share modems among users for
outgoing and incoming communications. DATA CALL LEAST COST ROUTING - 3/6-DIGIT [D-49] and other
standard PBX features can be use d for long distance data calls.
Operating Procedure
Outgoing Modem Pooling
To initiate a data call to an outside DTE via analog trunk lines from a Data Module or keyboard dialing Data
1. Key in DM CALL <ENTER> from the keyboard of the connected DTE. The DTE’s display will show DM
2. Key in the desired DTE extension: DIAL-XXXX <ENTER>. CALLING and WAITING will be
displayed. These messages indicate that the Modem Pool is being connected.
3. After the called modem answers and exchanges carrier signals with the pooled modem, the DTE disp lays
4. Data communication can begin.
To release from data communication using a Data Adapter or Data Module with keyboard dialing
1. Key in <ESC>-DM <ENTER> from the keyboard of the attached DTE.
2. The display will show ACK; key in RLS <ENTER> to release.
3. The display will show RELEASED, indicating that data communication has been released.
To initiate a data call to an outside DTE via analog trunk lines from a Dterm/Data Adapter (keypad dialing)
1. Lift the Dterm’s handset; receive dial tone.
2. Dial the analog telephone number (this is a voice call).
3. When the call is answered and the called modem is switched to the data mode, receive an answer tone
(modem tone).
4. Press the Dterm’s DTX key; the LED above the key illuminates st ead ily. T he DA T A lam p wil l flas h and
appears on the Dterm’s LCD. (XXXX refers to the called DTE number, and will be flashing.) This display
indicates that the Modem Pool is being connected.
(Time Display)