NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24311, Issue 1 Page 163
Call Forwarding Supplementary Service (SS-CF) with Rerouting C-158
Call Forwarding - Supplementary Service
1. When CALL COMPLETION ON NO REPLY (CCNR) is used with this feature that conforms to Q-SIG:
Note: CCNR available for the Q-SIG network.
SS-CFU: CCNR is not available for the station to be set the SS-CFU.
SS-CFB: CCNR is activated against the forwarding st ation (cal led s tati on) ev en when the f eatur e is set
to the station to be set SS-CFB.
SS-CFNR: CCNR is activated against the forwarded-to station no matter when (before of after Call
Forwarding) the CCNR is set.
2. When CALL COMPLETION TO A BUSY SUBSCRIBER (CCBS) is used with this feature that conforms
to Q-SIG:
Note: CCNR available for the Q-SIG network.
SS-CFU: CCNR is not available for the station to be set the SS-CFU.
SS-CFB: CCNR is activated against the forwarding st ation (cal led s tati on) ev en when the f eatur e is set
to the station to be set SS-CFB. (If the forwarding station is busy at that time, CCBS is
SS-CFU: If the name information has been programmed, CONP is not effective and the connected
party name is displayed following the name information programmed with SS-CFU data.
SS-CFB: If the name information has been programmed, CONP is not effective and the connected
party name is displayed following the name information programmed with SS-CFB data.
SS-CFNR: If the name information has been programmed, CONP is not effective and the connected
party name is displayed following the name information programmed with SS-CFNR data.
4. When CALL WAITING - TERMINATING [C-12] is used together with this feature:
When automatic CALL WAITING - TERMINATING is set to the st ation that has alre ady been s et this
feature, this feature has priority over CALL WAITING - TERMINATING service and the call is
5. When DO NOT DISTURB [C-11D] service is used together with this feature:
SS-CFU: If incoming calls are terminated at the sta tion to be set both f eatures (SS -CFU and DND), the
calls are forwarded by the SS-CFU data.
SS-CFB: If incoming calls are terminated at the stat ion t o be s et bot h feat ures (SS-CFB a nd DND), th e
calls are forwarded by the SS-CFB data.
SS-CFNR: If incoming calls are terminate d at the statio n t o be s et b oth fe atu res (S S- CFNR and D ND ),
the DND service takes priority and the caller hears reorder tone.
6. When OUTGOING TRUNK QUEUING [O-2] service is used with this feature:
When the call is forwarded to the trunk b y the SS-CF serv ice and the des tination trunk is busy, OGQ
service is not effective if the Automatic OGQ is available (the call continues to place at the trunk).