NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
Page 188 NDA-24311, Issue 1
N-42 National ISDN - 2 PRI
N-42 National ISDN - 2 PRIGeneral Description
This feature enables a basic connection to the N (National) – ISDN2 network and suppor ts No n-f acility Associated
Signaling – PRI [N-40] service, D channel Backup – PRI [D-152] service, etc., via this network.
Operating Procedure
No manual operation is required.
Service Conditions
1. The network protocol should be NI-2 (National ISDN2).
2. Conditions on D channel Backup – PRI service are the same as those on existing D channel Backup – PRI
service. However, protocol identifier should be 0 × 43.
3. This service does not support the features in the network side.
4. This service does not support the Virtual Tie Line (Time Link).
5. This service does not support the calls having the BEARER information element of which data speed is
N× 64 kbps.
6. The following issues of firmware are required to be equipped on the circuit cards:
Circuit Card
PA-24PRTB Contact NEC Engineering for firmware requirements.
PA-24DTR Contact NEC Engineering for firmware requirements.