NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24311, Issue 1 Page 55
Data Communications - PRI D-121
Service Conditions
Modem and Modem Pool Calls
1. A total of eight modem pool groups may be assigned: eight incoming, eight outgoing, eight bothway, or
any combination thereof.
2. Modems must be compatible.
3. Modems in a modem pool may be permanently assigned, end-to-end, to a PRI channel on a ded icated l ine
basis; otherwise, modem pools are normally dynamically assigned on a switched basis to an incoming or
outgoing data caller on a PRI channel. In this case, the same PRI channels are available for voice also.
4. The maximum modem speed is 9600 bps. Both asynchronous and synchronous modems may be used in
the modem pool. Modems connected to anal o g extensions may be asynchronous or synchronous.
Unrestricted Data
1. The following communication speeds are supported:
Asynchronous: 50 ~ 9600 bps
Synchronous: 2.4K, 4.8K, 9.6K, and 48K bps
2. Attribute Data for remote AUTOMATIC ATTRIBUTE DATA RECOGNITION [A-40] will not be
passed over a digital link modem connections.
3. Pooled modems and modems connected to analog stations may be used on PRI channels when a straight
digital data connection is not required. With PRI, modem pooling will always be automatic when
accessing a PRI channel by setting the AMND command of the MAT to 0. If AMND is set to 1, the channel
will either use modem pooling or a straight digital path, depending on the number dialed. This number is
compared with the PRI link to the other end s witch to determine if an analog or digita l extension is being
4. PRI requires one D-channel of a 24-chan ne l di g it al li n e for out-of - b and signaling. The other 23 channels
(B-channels) can be used for voice or data, or both.