NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24311, Issue 1 Page 153
Call Completion on No Reply (CCNR) C-152
Service Conditions (cont’d)
Service Conditions of the called station
7. If the called station has set one of the following Call Forwarding services, CCNR is set to the called
8. If the called station has set Call F orwarding - All Calls [C-5] or Ca ll Forwar ding - All C alls - Outs ide
[C-28], CCNR is restricted.
9. CALL WAITING - TERMINATING [C-12] is restricted.
10. The following are the conditions when the path reservation method is used.
a.) if the called station is busy again upon receiving the path reservation requirement, CCNR is
b.) if the called station is busy again when Called Back after the path reservation is completed,
CCNR is cancelled.
c.) if the analog called station goes off - hook during the path reservation (during Call Back to the
calling party), reader tone is sent (call origination is not available); in case of the Dterm station,
call origination using the called line is not available.
When the calling station answers Call Back during this off - hook status, the analog station is
connected, or the Dterm station is rung.
11. The numbering plan should be considered so that each office in the Q-SIG network has the unique office
number and can be connected to every other office in the network by dialing the same number . However,
connection using sub-address service is not available. (In case of using Uniform Numbering Plan, each
telephone number must be different from the ot hers in the network.)
12. In case of Q-SIG data link failure during CCNR service, the following conditions occur:
a.) If the failure occurs while the calling station is setting CCNR, CCNR is not set.
b.) If the failure occurs while the calling station is cancelling CCNR, CCNR is cancelled only on the
calling station side. If the message is not sent to the called station, the service is not cancelled on
the called station side.
c.) If the failure occurs while the calling station is recalled, CCNR is cancelled only on the called
station side. If the message is not sent to the calling station, the service is not cancelled on the
calling station side.
d.) If the failure occurs when the calling station is answering the recall, CCNR is cancelled only on
the calling station side. If the message i s not sen t to th e ca lled stat ion , the serv ice is no t canc ell ed
on the called station side.
Service Conditions of Q-SIG network
13. Alternate routing:
a.) If the Q-SIG data link failure occurs during CCNR service, and if there is an alternate route
available (provided it is a Q-SIG route), the message is sent on that route.
b.) Path reservation (if used) and CCNR recall to the calling station are activated on the route that
was used for sending the CCNR setting message; alternate routing is not available. If that route is
busy and the calling station cannot be recalled (B-channel selection cannot be made), following
operation is made as path reservation/CCNR recall failure:
Failure at the calling office : Service is cancelled, and busy tone is sent to t h e calling station.
Failure at the tandem office : Path reservation or CCNR recall error message is sent to the
calling station, and CCNR cancellation message is sent to the
called station.