NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24311, Issue 1 Page 171
CCIS Tandem Call - Calling Party Number (CPN) Delivery to ISDN & Q-SIG Networks C-164
C-164 CCIS Tandem Call - Calling Party Number (CPN) Delivery to ISDN & Q-SIG NetworksGeneral Description
This feature allows the call from a Tie Line (CCIS line or Q-SIG) station or Attendant Console for INDIVIDUAL
ATTENDANT ACCESS [I-6], to be sent to the public ISDN network (AT&T, NT, NI-2) and Q-SIG network. With
this feature, the calling party number can be changed as programmed and sent to the ISDN network/Q-SIG network.
Since the data can be set to designate the received number in addition to the outgoing route to ISDN network, a
variety of calling party number assignments is available.
Operating Procedure
No manual operation is required.
Service Conditions
1. This feature is effective when:
• Calls are originated from CCIS/Q-SIG line to AT&T, NT, NI-2 or Q-SIG network.
• Calls are originated from the station to AT&T , N T, NI-2 or Q-SIG network.
• Calls are originated from the Attendant Console, which is assigned the individual attendant
identification number, to AT&T, NT, NI-2 or Q-SIG network.
2. This feature is not effective when calls are originated from AT&T, NT, NI-2 network to AT&T, NT, NI-
2 network.
3. When the registered calling party number is received from CCIS line and sent to AT&T, NT, NI- 2 network
by this feature, the access code and the office code are not deleted automatically as normal operation.
4. In case the number of digits of the registered number is less than that o f the callin g party number sen t from
CCIS/Q-SIG line, this feature is effective when the first part of the received calling party number is
identical with the registered number.
5. When assigning more than 8-digit number (including the office code o f the self o ffice) to b e received f rom
the CCIS line, the number must be assigned as Physical Telephone Number because Physical Station
Number is sent as the calling party number.
6. This feature is not available for the call originated using OAI/ACD feature.