NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24311, Issue 1 Page 117
Station Message Detail Recording - PRI S-83
Service Conditions (cont’d)
29. DIRECT INWARD DIALING (DID) [D-8] trunk calls: If the call is to the Attendant, the Attendant can
input an account code before extending the call.
30. INDIVIDUAL TRUNK ACCESS [I-4]: The Attendant cannot dial in an SMDR account code before using
direct trunk selection.
31. Incoming tie trunk calls: If an incoming call to the Attendant is extended, the Attendant can input an
account code.
32. CALL FORWARDING - INTERCEPT/ANNOUNCEMENT [C-25]: When an incoming trunk call
receives intercept treatment routing it to the Attend ant, SMDR functions as if the Att endant wa s dialed
33. Night service: When the system is in the ni ght service mode, SMDR records cal ls routed to the Nig ht
station (answering station).
34. CALL-BY-CALL SERVICE SELECTION - PRI [C-105]: Only Trunk Provisioning service is available.
35. OUTGOING TRUNK QUEUING [O-2]: The SMDR records the dialed account code. When the caller is
called back with a trunk, the account code does not need to be reentered.
36. REMOTE ACCESS TO SYSTEM [R-2]: If the call is terminated in the PBX or tandeming through the
PBX, the remote access trunk and route numbers are recorded. A FORCED ACCOUNT CODE [F-7] can
be requested upon entry to the network via remote access. If a FORCED ACCOUNT CODE [F-7] is used,
it can be recorded by SMDR.
37. SERIAL CALL [S-15]: The duratio n of the total call is recorded on the last station call.
HUNTING - TERMINAL [S-9]: The hunted-to station is recorded in the called number field.
39. TANDEM SWITCHING OF TIE TRUNKS 2/4 WIRE [T-1] calls: The calling number is the incoming
trunk route plus trunk number; the called number is the number dialed.
number is recorded and SMDR recording of call duration begins when the station answers.
41. UNIFORM CALL DISTRIBUTION (UCD) [U-1]: The calling number is the incoming trunk route plus
the trunk number. If the call is to a PBX station, the station answe ring the number is recorde d as the dialed
42. On an incoming trunk call to the Attendant, the Attendant call record starts upon answer and completes
when the Attendant releases. A station call reco rd starts when the Attendant releases and compl etes when
the station goes on-hook. If required, a station record will not be generated if the station does not answer.
43. A system option is available to allow or restrict call completion in the case where a failure occurs in
transmitting SMDR data from the Local Processo r to the I/O port.
44. Additional hardware is required to impl em ent this feature.