NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
Page 66 NDA-24311, Issue 1
I-26 Indialing Through Main - PRI
I-26 Indialing Through Main - PRIGeneral Description
With this feature, a call destined for a satellit e PBX v ia D ID o r Netw ork Inward Dia ling ( NID ) wi ll auto mati cal ly
be routed to the satellite station by the main PBX over a tie trunk.
Operating Procedure
1. A four-digit number is received via DID or NID at a main PBX.
2. One or more sets of 1,000 digits or more are designated for each satellite location. A main PBX checks
the digits and routes the call over a tie trunk to the appropriate satellite.
3. The other three digits are then transmitted to the satellite, where the call is switched to the proper sta tion.
4. When a satellite PBX is assigned more than 1,000 digits, each set of 1,000 digits refer s to a separ ate t runk
group; while each trunk group is assigned to a separate incoming switch.
5. When a NEAX2400 IPX is used as a main PBX, the thousands of digits may be deleted or left intact when
the dialed digits are pulsed out to the satellite. Al l four digit s can be tran smitted to a satellit e. A syste m
can also employ separate trunk groups for each 1,000 digits assigned to a satellite.
Service Conditions