NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
Page 32 NDA-24311, Issue 1
C-101 Call Forwarding - Intercept Announcement - PRI
C-101 Call Forwarding - Intercept Announcement - PRI
General Description
This feature provides for interception of a called party number received via ISDN by DIRECT INWARD DIALING
[D-8] calls that cannot be completed (unassigned station, level, etc.). These calls are automatically routed to a
recorded announcement, informing the caller that an inoper ative nu mber was reached and givi ng the l isted director y
number for information.
This feature permits a station originated call, upon encountering a restricted outgoing number or a trunk busy
condition, to automatically be routed to a recorded announcement informing the caller that all the outgoing trunks
are busy.
Operating Procedure
No manual operation is required, once this feature has been programmed in system data.
Service Conditions
1. This feature requires an announcement trunk and an announcement machine or a Digital Announcement
Trunk (DAT).
2. Only one ISDN call at a time can be connected to each announcement trunk. If a second ISDN call arrives
while the first is being processed, the caller will receive ringback tone until the trunk becomes idle.
3. If the outside party or Attendant forgets to hang up, the system will automatically dis connect in 30 second s
(provided this is programmed in system data). If no disconnect timing is programmed, the outside party
will control disconnect.
4. This feature is provided on a per-tenant basis.
5. This feature is only available on DID calls.
6. The following call conditions, which cannot be completed, can be routed to intercept:
a.) Vacant level
b.) Unassigned telephone number
7. Only one common message can be provided for th e different intercept conditions.
8. There is no method that exempts an individual ISDN DID from intercept.
9. This service is not available when the destination telephone number exceeds 13 digits.
10. A station dials the LEAST COST ROUTING - 3/6-DIGIT [L-5] access code and an outside number. If
that outside number is not listed in LEAST COST ROUTING - 3/6-DIGIT [L-5] tables (Outgoing Routing
Patterns, OPR), the call will be routed to an intercept announcement.
11. If a different message is required for each of the three intercept conditions, three trunks and three
announcement machines must be provided.
When encountering a restricted route
12. This service feature is valid when station to outgoing-trunk connection is restricted.
13. This feature is applied equally to all trunk routes in the system. It cannot be denied to some routes and
available to other routes.
14. This service is valid when a call is redirected to an outgoing trunk via CALL FORWARDING - OUT SIDE
[C-28]. The announcement is heard when the calling station is also a restricted station.