NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24311, Issue 1 Page 175
Event Based CCIS - ISDN Transport E-23
Service Conditions (cont’d)
10. The following are the conditions of E-CCIS setup, Release Timer setting and E-CCIS release:
a.) Conditions of E-CCIS setup:
• If no voice channels are set up when a call occurs, a voice channel and the signal channel are
set up at the same time.
• If the signal channel is set up and no voice channels are released (Release Timer is being
activated), or if the signal channel is set up and no voice channels are set up, a voice channel is
set up when a call occurs.
• If no channels are set up when the signal controlled by the signal channel only (MCI, MW lamp
control, etc.) occurs, the signal chann el is set up.
b.) Conditions of Release Timer setting:
• When the signal controlled by the signal channel only is transmitted or received, Release Time r
of the signal channel is activated.
• At the time of call completion, Release Timer of a voice channel is activated.
c.) Conditions of E-CCIS release:
• If all the voice channels but one are released and Release Timer of the signal channel has not
been set, the established voice channel and the signal channel are released at the same time
when Release Timer of the voice channel expires (at the time of call completion, if Release
Timer is set at immediately after call completion).
• When Release Timer of a voice channel expires, and if another voice c hannel or the othe r voice
channels are setup, that voice channel is released.
If all the voice channels but one are released, and when Release Timer of t he established voice
channel expires while Release Timer of the signal channel is being activated, the voice cha nnel
is released.
• If Release Timer of the signal channel expires when no voice channels are set up, the signal
channel is released.
• If Release Timer of the signal channel expires (Release Timer has not been assigned.) when one
or more voice channels are set up, no channels are released.
11. If all the E-CCIS routes are used, the connection can be established using the alternate route.
12. When the connection is not established du e to line failure, etc., system message is output.
13. Bearer capability for voice channels of the E-CCIS line can be selected on a route basis, unr estricted digita l
or speech. However, Bearer capability for a signal channel is unrestricted digital only.
14. If speech is selected for bearer capability for a signal channel of the E-CCIS line, data communication
using that E-CCIS route is restricted.
15. When the signal channel of the E-CCIS line is set up, the message control signal (such as the MCI
message) is sent to an E-CCIS route immediately. If not, the signal channel of the E-CCIS line is set up,
and then the message control signal is transmitted.
16. If patrol operation is performed for the E-CCIS turn, that E-CCIS line should be in the status of Release
Timer time out.
17. A trunk used at the time of call origin ation is selected from the trunk which ha s been set up for the E-CCIS
line. If two or more trunks have been set up, a trunk is selected by Trunk Route Data.