NEAX2400 IPX ISDN Features and Specifications
Page 170 NDA-24311, Issue 1
C-159 Call Transfer Supplementary Service (SS-CT) with Rerouting
Call Transfer - Supplementary Service
1. When CALL PARK [C-29] is used with this feature:
The call parked by CALL PARK feature cannot be transferred by the SS- CT service . However , the s tation
which operated CALL PARK can us e the SS-CT service for another inc oming call.
2. When CALL HOLD [C-6] is used with this feature:
The call held by CALL HOLD feature cannot be transferred by the SS-CT service.
3. When STEP CALL [S-13] is used with this feature:
When the destination to which the call is transferred with the SS-CT service is busy, a new call can be
originated using STEP CALL.
OFF HOOK QUEUING [I-11] service is used with this feature:
When the call is transferred to the trunk by the SS-CT service, those services cannot be set against the busy
5. When Service Peg Count function of PEG COUNT [P-7] is used with this feature:
a.) When the transferring party operates to be released from the connection after the station answers
the call, this service is included in CALL TRANSFER - ALL CALLS service count.
b.) When the SS-CT service is operated using the BLIND TRANSFER service, it is not counted.
6. This feature requires 24DTI circuit card.
7. When this service is operated by using BLIND TRANSFER, the number that indicates the c onnected party
at the calling party’s LCD is different between CALL TRANSFER service activated through Q-SIG and
the service activated through CCIS.
• Q-SIG - The display of the calling party is changed from the transferring party’s number (calling
party’s number) to the destination’s number at the moment the transferring party is released from
the connection.
• CALL TRANSFER to be activated through CCIS - The LCD display of the calling party is changed
after the transferring party answers the call.
Rerouting Function
1. The calling party name or identification information is not displ ayed on th e LCD of the destinat ion sta tion
while rerouting function is activated.
2. When the mediate user originates a call to the station, which is set Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer, and
is released before the destination station a nswers the call, Call Forwarding - Don’t An swer is not effective
while rerouting function is activated.