access control turning on 114
access, remote 119 active static route 118 address reservation 58 alerts, emailing 91
ALG (Application Layer Gateway) 51 applications, QoS for 63 approved USB devices 69, 76 attached devices 44
authentication, required by mail server 92 automatic firmware checking 106 automatic Internet connection 49
backing up configuration 104, 105, 106 bandwidth control, QoS 62
blocking services 88 box contents 7
bridge, WiFi, setting up 20
cables, checking 127
changes not saved, router 133 configuration file 104 connecting wirelessly
operating range 7 to hotspot 14
connection status 98 country setting 48 crossover cable 128 CTS/RTS Threshold 109
data packets, fragmented 53 date and time 134 daylight saving time 134 default DMZ server 51
default factory settings list of 139 restoring 105
default gateway 99
denial of service (DoS) attacks 50 denial of service (DoS) protection 87 devices, attached 44
DHCP server 56, 99 DMZ server 51 DNS addresses
primary 36, 38 secondary 36, 38 troubleshooting 131 viewing 96, 99
DoS (denial of service) attacks 50
Dynamic DNS 115
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 56 DynDNS.org 115
electromagnetic emissions 140
email notices 91 encryption keys 42 erasing configuration 105 Ethernet cables, checking 127
factory default settings list of 139 restoring 105
file sharing 77 firmware version 95 firmware, upgrading 26, 106 fragmentation length 109 fragmented data packets 53
gateway IP address 36, 38 gateway, default 99 genie, NETGEAR