Real World
Now that you’ve got the hang of using your Speedlight,
it’s time to put your skills to use in the real world. This
chapter details many different kinds of photography and
offers you insight on how to approach the subjects as well as
tips and suggestions from real, professional experiences. Try
the formulas and insight you gather here with your own flash
photography for great results.
Action and Sports
Action and Sports photography is just what it sounds like,
although it doesn’t necessarily mean your subject is engaging
in some type of sport. It can be any activity that involves fast
movement, such as your child riding his bike down the street
or running across the beach. Shooting any type of action can
be tricky to even seasoned pros. You need to be sure to shoot
at a fast enough shutter speed to freeze the movement of
your subject.
When shooting with a Speedlight, you’re limited to using the
top sync speed that your camera allows, usually around
1/250 of second, which sometimes may not be fast enough
to freeze the motion. Fortunately, the flash duration is usually
quick enough to freeze the motion regardless of the shutter
speed. Flash duration is the length of time that flash is actu-
ally lit. When using the flash in TTL mode with the BL option
turned off, the flash exposure is usually brighter than the
ambient light therefore canceling out any chance of the ambi-
ent light reflecting off of the subject being recorded to the
sensor and causing a motion blur.
In This Chapter
Action and sports
Animal and pet
Concert photography
Event and wedding
Environmental portrait
Group photography
Macro and close-up
Nature and wildlife
Night portrait
Outdoor portrait
Still life and product
Studio portrait
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