While panning you can sometimes use a
slower shutter speed to exaggerate the
effect of the background blur. Panning can
be a very difficult technique to master and
requires a lot of practice.
Using flash for Action/Sports photography is
not always necessary or advisable.
Sometimes you are so far away from the
action your flash won’t be effective or you
may be in a situation where flash is not
allowed. In these cases, just make sure you
have a fast enough shutter speed to freeze
the motion. You can either use a lens with a
wider aperture or crank up your ISO setting
to be sure you get the proper shutter speed.
When looking for action scenes to shoot, I
tend to gravitate towards the more exciting
and edgy events. On your own, just keep
your eyes open, just about everywhere you
look is some kind of action taking place.
Go to the local parks and schoolyards.
Almost every weekend is a soccer tourna-
ment at the school across the street from
my studio. I often go there just to practice
getting action shots. Check your local news-
papers for sporting events. Often the local
skateboard shops and bike shops have con-
tests. I try to take pictures of people having
fun doing what they love to do.

Chapter 6 Real World Applications 109

Obtaining Permission
When photographing people it’s usually a good idea to ask them if they mind if you
take their pictures. This is especially true when photographing children. You should
always find a parent or guardian and ask permission before photographing children.
Generally, I keep a pad and paper with me. I ask for a mailing address or e-mail
address, and I offer to send them a copy of the photo, either in print form or as an
electronic file.
If you’re planning to publish your photographs, it’s also a good idea to have a photo
release form, also known as a model release. This document, when signed by the per-
son you photographed, allows you to use the image at your discretion.
If your subject is under the age of 18 you must have the parent or legal guardian sign
the release form.
There are many sample photo release forms available on the Internet. Read them
carefully to choose the right one for your photography usage.
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