Сертификат за съответствие

Conformity certificate

Declaração de conformidade


Osvědčení o shodě

Πιστοποιητικό συμμόρφωσης

Deklaracja zgodności



Megfelelősségi nyilatkozat

Certificat de conformitate



Dichiarazione di conformità

Заявление о соответствии


Declaración de conformidad

Atitikties deklaracija




Atbilstības deklarācija

Certifikát súladu


Déclaration de conformité


Certifikat o ustreznosti




Uyumluluk sertifikası





Модел / Model / Modell / Model / Modelo / Mudel / Modèle / Malli /



Model / Μοντέλο / Modell / Modello / Modelis / Modelis / Modell / Model



/ Modelo / Model / Model / Модель / Modell / Model / Model / Model :







Тип / Typ / Typ / Type / Tipo / Tüüp / Type / Tyyppi / Type / Τύπος /



Típus / Tipo / Tipas / Tips / Type / Type / Tipo / Typ / Tip / Тип / Typ /

RS 1300


Typ / Tip / Tip :



Сериен номер / Výrobní číslo / Seriennummer / Serienummer / Número de serie / Seerianumber / Numéro de série / Sarjanumero / Serial number

/Σειριακός αριθμός / Sorozatszám / Numero di serie / Serijos numeris / Sērijas numurs / Serienummer / Serienummer / Número de série / Numer seryjny / Număr de serie / Серийный номер / Serienummer / Výrobné číslo / Serijska številka / Seri Numarası :

Година на производство / Rok výroby / Baujahr / Fabrikationsår / Año de fabricación / Väljalaskeaasta / Année de fabrication / Valmistusvuosi / Year of construction / Έτος κατασκευής / Gyártási év / Anno di costruzione / Pagaminimo metai / Izgatavošanas gads / Byggeår / Bauwjaar / Ano de fabrico / Rok produkcji / Anul fabricaţiei / Год выпуска / Tillverkningsår / Rok výroby / Leto izdelave / Leto izdelave/İmal yılı :

Долуподписаният потвърждава, че гореспоменатият модел е произведен в съответствие със следните директиви и стандарти.

Níže podepsaný stvrzuje, že výše uvedený model byl vyroben v souladu s následujícími směrnicemi a normami.

Der Unterzeichner bestätigt hiermit dass die oben erwähnten Modelle gemäß den folgenden Richtlinien und Normen hergestellt wurden.

Undertegnede attesterer herved, at ovennævnte model er produceret i overensstemmelse med følgende direktiver og standarder.

El abajo firmante certifica que los modelos arriba mencionados han sido producidos de acuerdo con las siguientes directivas y estandares.

Allakirjutanu kinnitab, et ülalnimetatud mudel on valmistatud kooskõlas järgmiste direktiivide ja normidega.

Je soussigné certifie que les modèles ci- dessus sont fabriqués conformément aux directives et normes suivantes.

Allekirjoittaia vakuuttaa että yllämainittu malli on tuotettu seuraavien direktiivien ja standardien mukaan.

The undersigned certify that the above mentioned model is produced in accordance with the following directives and standards.

Οκάτωθι υπογεγραμμένος πιστοποιεί ότι η παραγωγή του προαναφερθέντος μοντέλου γίνεται σύμφωνα με τις ακόλουθες οδηγίες και πρότυπα.

Alulírottak igazoljuk, hogy a fent említett modellt a következő irányelvek és szabványok alapján hoztuk létre.

Il sottoscritto dichiara che i modelli sopra menzionati sono prodotti in accordo con le seguenti direttive e standard.

Toliau pateiktu dokumentu patvirtinama, kad minėtas modelis yra pagamintas laikantis nurodytų direktyvų bei standartų.

Ar šo tiek apliecināts, ka augstākminētais modelis ir izgatavots atbilstoši šādām direktīvām un standartiem.

Undertegnede attesterer att ovennevnte modell är produsert i overensstemmelse med fölgende direktiv og standarder.

Ondergetekende verzekert dat de bovengenoemde modellen geproduceerd zijn in overeenstemming met de volgende richtlijnen en standaards.

A presente assinatura serve para declarar que os modelos supramencionados

são produtos em conformidade com as seguintes directivas e normas.

Niżej podpisany zaświadcza, że wymieniony powyżej model produkowany jest zgodnie z następującymi dyrektywami i normami.

Subsemnatul atest că modelul sus-

menţionat este produs în conformitate cu următoarele directive şi standarde.

Настоящим удостоверяется, что машина вышеуказанной модели изготовлена

всоответствии со следующими директивами и стандартами.

Undertecknad intygar att ovannämnda modell är producerad i överensstämmelse med följande direktiv och standarder.

Dolu podpísaný osvedčuje, že hore uvedený model sa vyrába v súlade s nasledujúcimi smernicami a normami.

Spodaj podpisani potrjujem, da je zgoraj omenjeni model izdelan v skladu z naslednjimi smernicami in standardi.

Aşağıda İmzası olan kişi, yukarıda bahsedilen model cihazın aşağıda verilen direktiflere ve standartlara uygunlukta imal edildiğini onaylar.

EC Machinery Directive 98/37/EC

EN 12100-1, EN 12100-2, EN 294, EN 349

EC Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC

EN 60335-1, EN 60335-2-72

EC EMC Directive 89/336/EEC

EN 61000, EN 50366, EN 13019

Manufacturer: Nilfisk-Advance S.p.a.

Authorized signatory: Franco Mazzini, General Mgr


Address: Strada Comunale della Braglia, 18, 26862 GUARDAMIGLIO (LO) - ITALY

Tel: +39 (0)377 451124, Fax: +39 (0)377 51443



























Model: RS 1300



Prod. Nr: 13300068




Serial No: 08XXXXXXX


Date code : H07




Total Weight : KG 2800






KW 55



Battery: 12VDC















MAX 24%






Manufactured By:







Nilfisk - Advance S.p.a.





setting standards

26862 Guardamiglio (LO) - Italy

Made in Italy


























RS 1300

33014091(3)2008-02 A



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Image 3
Nilfisk-ALTO RS 1300 manuel dutilisation 3301409132008-02 a

RS 1300 specifications

Nilfisk-ALTO RS 1300 is a leading pressure washer renowned for its powerful performance and versatile applications. Designed for both commercial and residential use, this model caters to a wide range of cleaning needs, including patios, driveways, vehicles, and garden furniture.

One of the standout features of the RS 1300 is its robust motor, which delivers an impressive pressure of up to 130 bar. This high pressure allows users to tackle stubborn dirt and grime with ease. Coupled with a flow rate of up to 500 liters per hour, the machine ensures efficient cleaning in a shorter time frame.

The RS 1300 is equipped with a highly durable aluminum pump system that not only enhances the lifespan of the unit but also ensures consistent performance during heavy-duty cleaning tasks. The innovative design includes an adjustable pressure nozzle, which offers flexibility for various cleaning applications. Users can easily switch between different spray settings, allowing for tailored cleaning experiences.

In addition to its powerful performance, the Nilfisk-ALTO RS 1300 features a built-in detergent tank, making it convenient to use cleaning agents for enhanced results. This integration simplifies the cleaning process, as users can apply soap directly through the spray gun, boosting efficiency when dealing with tough stains.

Safety and ease of use are paramount in the design of the RS 1300. The machine comes with a safety lock feature to prevent accidental starts, providing peace of mind during storage and transport. Its ergonomic design ensures a comfortable grip, reducing user fatigue during prolonged use.

The RS 1300 is easy to transport, thanks to its lightweight design and integrated wheels. Users can effortlessly maneuver the unit around their property or job site. Additionally, storage is made simple with practical onboard storage solutions for the hose and accessories.

Overall, the Nilfisk-ALTO RS 1300 stands out for its combination of power, convenience, and user-friendly features. With its advanced technology and robust construction, it is a reliable choice for anyone seeking a high-performance pressure washer to tackle their cleaning challenges effectively. Whether for professional or home use, the RS 1300 is designed to meet the rigorous demands of various cleaning applications.