Chapter 3 Using the console interface 173

Using the Business Policy Switch 2000 Version 1.2

MAC Address Security Port Configuration screen

The MAC Address Security Port Configuration screens (Figure59 and Figure 60)

allow you to set or modify your MAC address port security configuration on a per

port basis.

DA Filtering on Intrusion
Detected When set to enabled, this field isolates the intruding node by filtering
(discarding) packets sent to that MAC address.
Default Disabled
Range Disabled, Enabled
Generate SNMP Trap on
Intrusion When set to enabled and a MAC intrusion event is detected, the software
issues an SNMP trap message to all registered SNMP trap addresses (see
SNMP Configuration screen on page 160).
Default Disabled
Range Disabled, Enabled
Clear by Ports This field clears the specified port (or ports) that are listed in the Allowed
Source Port(s) field of the MAC Address Security Table screen (see MAC
Address Security Table screens on page181). When you specify a port (or
ports) to be cleared using this field, the specific port (or ports) will be cleare d
for each of the entries listed in the MAC Address Security Table. If yo u totally
clear the allowed Source Port(s) field (leaving a blank field) for an entry, the
associated MAC address for that entry is also cleared.
Default NONE
Range NONE, ALL, a port number list (for example, 1/1, 2/6, etc.)
Learn by Ports All source MAC addresses of any packets received on the specified port (or
ports) are added to the MAC Security Table when the Curren t Learning M ode
field is set to Enabled. You cannot include any of the port values you have
chosen for the secure ports field.
Default NONE
Range NONE, ALL, a port number list (for example, 1/1, 2/6, etc.)
Current Learning Mode Indicates the current learning mode for the switch ports. When this field is set
to Learning in Progress, all source MAC addresses of any packets received
on the specified port (or ports) are added to the MAC Security Table
(maximum of 448 MAC address entries allowed). If you exceed the limit of
448 entries, the system prompts you with an alert message.
Default Disabled
Range Enabled, Disabled

Tabl e 17 MAC Add ress Security Configuration fields (continued)

Field Description