Chapter 3 Using the console interface 215
Using the Business Policy Switch 2000 Version 1.2
Table 35 describes the various monitoring modes available from the Port Mirroring Configuration screen.
Unit/Port X Indicates one of the ports (of the specified unit) that will be monitored by the
designated port monitor when one of the port-based monitoring modes is selected.
This port will be monitored according to the value of Port X in the Monitoring Mode
field (see Table 35).
Default Value Zero-length string
Range 1 to 8/ 1 to 28 (depending on model type)
Unit/Port Y Indicates one of the ports (of the specified unit) that will be monitored by the
designated port monitor when one of the port-based monitoring modes is selected.
When installed as a standalone switch, the screen does not display the (Unit/) field
designation. This port will be monitored according to the value of Port Y in the
Monitoring Mode field (see Table 35).
Default Value Zero-length string
Range 1 to 8/ 1 to 28 (depending on model type)
Address A Indicates the MAC addresses that will be monitored by the designated port monitor
when one of the address-based monitoring modes is selected. This port will be
monitored according to the value of Address A in the selected Monitoring Mode field
(see Table 35).
Default Value 00-00-00-00-00-00 (no MAC address assigned)
Range 00-00-00-00-00-00 to FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
Address B Indicates the MAC addresses that will be monitored by the designated port monitor
when one of the address-based monitoring modes is selected. This port will be
monitored according to the value of Address B in the selected Monitoring Mode field
(see Table 35).
Default Value 00-00-00-00-00-00 (no MAC address assigned)
Range 00-00-00-00-00-00 to FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
Tabl e 34 Port M irroring Configuration screen fields (continued)
Field Description