288 Chapter4 Policy-enabled networks
You can also configure policies without metering. In this case, using the
Web-based management system, you choose No Meter Data in the Data
Specification field of the Meter page. Refer to Using Web-based Manag ement for
the Business Policy Switch 2000 Software Version 1.2 for more information using
the Web-based management system to configure QoS parameters on the BPS
Policy overview
When network traffic attributes match those specified in a traffic pattern, the
policy instructs the network device to perform a specified action on each packet
that passes through it.
Among policies, the policy with the lowest order (and highest precedence) is
evaluated first, then the policy with the next-lowest order and so on. For example,
with an order of 1 to 20, the system begins the evaluation with 1, moves onto 2,
and so forth. This is important to remember when you configure policies.
A policy is a network traffic-controlling mechanism that monitors the
characteristics of the traffic (for example, its source , destinati on, and prot ocol) and
performs a controlling action on the traffic when certain user-defined
characteristics are matched. A policy action is the effect a policy has on network

traffic that matches the traffic profile of the policy . You can assign only one action

to a policy.

The policies tie together:
Filter groups
Note: You must configure the Meter page using the Web-based
management system, even if the traffic is not being metered (choose No
Meter Data). The actions are defined using the meters, so you must
configure the Meter page to configure QoS.