Using the Business Policy Switch 2000 Version 1.2
Tabl e 55 Syste m Log screen fieldsField Description
Unit This field only appears if the switch is participating in a stack configuration. The
field allows you to select the unit number of the Business Policy Switch you w ant
to view. To view the log messages of another Business Policy Switch, type its
unit number and press [Enter], or press the spacebar on your ke yboard to to ggle
the unit numbers.
Display Messages From This field allows you to select the RAM source your messages are obtained
from. Choose Non Volatile (NVRAM), Volatile (DRAM), or V ol atile + Non Volatile.
Use the spacebar to toggle between the options.
Default Non Volatile
Range Non Volatile, Volatile, Volatile + Non Volatile
Display configuration
complete? This field allows you to determine whether the configuration information received
from NVRAM/DRAM (depending on what is selected in the Display Messages
From field) is complete. Use the spacebar to toggle between the options.
Default No
Range No, Yes
Clear Messages From This field allows you to clear the information messages from DRAM, NVRAM or
both. If you clear DRAM messages, existing NVRAM messages are copied into
DRAM. After a system reset, all existing NVRAM messages are copied to
DRAM. Use the spacebar to toggle between the options.
Default None