Chapter 5 Sample QoS configuration 301
Using the Business Policy Switch 2000 Version 1.2
This address is used to match the destination IP address in the pa cke t’s IP
bIn the Subnet Mask field, enter
3In the Source Address box, click Network Address.
aIn the Network Address field, enter
This is the IP address to match against the packet’s source IP address.
bIn the Subnet Mask field, enter
4In the DSCP field, choose 0x20 from the list.
This value matches packets with a DSCP of 0x20 (32 decimal value).
If you choose Ignore, the DSCP value in the packet is ignored.
5In the Protocol field, choose TCP from the list.
When you select TCP, you specify that only TCP packets be matched. If you
select Ignore, all IP protocols are matched.
6In the Destination Layer 4 Port field, click Ignore.
7In the Source Layer 4 Port field, click Ignore.
8Click Submit.
The new entry appears in the IP Filter Table.
Creating an IP Filter Group Table entryNow you can create an IP filter group in the IP Filter Group Table section of the IP
Classification page.
To create an IP filter group entry:
1Click Create Filter Group in the IP Filter Group Table section of the IP
Classification page.
The IP Classification Group page opens (Figure107).